Monday, May 12, 2008

Day 1

Now, to begin my documentation of a summer in Champaign. I'm taking classes, volunteering at a hospital, and living alone. Veronica is back at home and I assume it's going to get lonely.

Today was my first day of class/pharmacy. Nothing too funny happened, but I could definitely see a funny movie about working in a pharmacy or something pharmacy related. If they can do it with restaurants like in Waiting then this can be done as well. There's something pretty vulnerable about someone who controls what you blindly put in your body. Anyway, I had class from 10-12:40, pharmacy from 1-5, and PCAT class from 6-8ish (got out early), so it has been a long day.

One funny thing did happen. I was walking from Provena to Chipotle and there was a (black) woman (about 25 yrs. old) twenty feet in front of me. We were walking in the same direction and she was on the right side of the sidewalk and I was walking on the left. As I got closer to her, she started drifting to the left. I was planning on going around her but when I was about two feet away she began to suspiciously look over her shoulder and then suddenly jumped to her right and yelled, "OH SHIT!" Then she bent over and caught her breath. Apparently, she didn't know I was behind her. We both laughed a little and I apologized for scaring her.

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